Need to rant about this because this is actually making me so angry. Now I wouldn't normally make a Diary entry about upcoming features although I have considered making a section for that on the homepage near the What's New? section but I wanna put curtains as the background for the entrance screen however I just cannot do it. I can't find any good curtain backgrounds that look good and are the right size and even if the image resolution is the right size and fits the background and doesn't repeat, for some reason it zooms in. I have no idea why it does this at all and my workarounds to this work but aren't really that great. So basically a combination of not being able to find the right image and my code not working right for some reason is preventing me from adding an upcoming feature even though a background change isn't really an upcoming feature. I do have one idea for a way to renovate the entrance page but I feel like it would look too bland and empty however I just feel like that entrance screen needs to be changed and this is the second best option I have. Right now it's almost midnight so if I renovate the entrance page, I'll renovate it tomorrow. Since I'm already talking about stuff I plan on doing with the site, I might as well just say that I'm thinking of moving the sitemap at the top of the homepage to a sidebar on the left and adding a chatbox to a sidebar on the right since I feel like the homepage has two really big empty spots. Either that or I'll just place some fake ad gifs there.