

Be Careful What You Wish For

I can’t really recall when this happened but I think about a month ago on a Friday afternoon I was walking home from school and for context, there’s a wooded forest area on the way home. While walking home I noticed something shiny in the bushes. I went to see what it was and saw what looked like a magic lamp. I decided to take it home with me thinking it could possibly be valuable and that I could get a quick buck selling it on eBay. When I got home I decided to rub the magic lamp simply just for fun and to my surprise, a genie actually popped out and he looked exactly like they do in the movies. He gave me the whole 3 wishes speech and when I was done processing what just happened, I tried going for the loopholes such as wishing for infinite wishes, infinite magic lamps, infinite genies, etc however the genie just told me that’s not how it works and that, and these are his words, “Those wishes violate the laws of the magic lamp.” I didn’t fight him over it and I made my wishes. My first two wishes were really stupid and don’t matter that much right now. What you really need to know is what my third wish consisted of. For context, there’s this girl at my school named Stephanie who I’ve had a crush on for ages but she’s never seemed to notice me and I’ve always been too scared to ask her out. For my third and final wish, I took the easy way out when it came to trying to get Stephanie to like me and I wished that she would have a crush on me. The genie told me my wish was granted and then the magic lamp just disappeared and it was gone. The weekend was normal and went by pretty fast. Monday then came and when I went to school, I ran into Stephanie and she was all over me! I was ecstatic! This was everything I ever wanted! I went from Stephanie not even knowing I existed to her being totally obsessed with me! I felt like I won the lottery! After school she asked if I wanted to come over to her house and I immediately accepted her offer. I don’t even think I let her finish her sentence because of how excited I was. We went to her house and after giving me a soda, she led me up to her room. I contemplated slapping myself because this honestly felt like a dream to me. When we got up to her room, we started making out and I felt like the luckiest guy on earth. I really cannot describe how happy I was in this moment. After a while we both ended up falling asleep on her bed. When I came to, I found myself chained in her basement. I had shackles on my wrists and ankles and a metal collar around my neck with a chain on it that was connected to the wall. I tried asking Stephanie to let me go but she refused. At this point I wished I never found that magic lamp. I went from thinking this was a dream to desperately wanting this to be a dream. If that genie came back and granted me a fourth wish, I’d wish for everything to go back to normal and for Stephanie to go back to being unaware of my existence. It turns out my family also reported me missing at some point since she showed me my own missing poster and hung it up in the basement for me to look at. It’s so dark down here. I haven’t seen the sunlight in so long and I miss my family. I don’t even know what time or day it is. If that magic lamp is still out there somewhere, I pray for the poor soul who comes across it and if I could tell them one thing, I would say “Be careful what you wish for.”